Carolyn E. Strock, A.A.E.
Ms. Strock began her employment with the
Wood County Airport Authority in 1986 as Business Manager. After serving in
that capacity, and the positions of Assistant Airport Manager and Acting
Airport Manager, she became Airport Manager in 1991. In addition to
oversight of the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport operations, Ms. Strock
managed the Wood County Airport Industrial Park with ten non-aviation
related tenants, grant programs, airport fueling operations, and all capital
projects. Her work experience prior to employment at the airport included
work in accounting at broadcasting, retailing, and manufacturing firms. She
has gained specialized education in airport management and economic
development and completed her MBA at Ohio University in June 2007. She
retired from the airport after 20 years of service to begin C. E. Strock
Relevant Background
Owner/CEO, C. E.
Strock Consulting – C. E. Strock
Consulting is a
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise certified in nine states as a
Transportation/Business Consulting firm. The CEO oversees all aspects of the
business which has completed Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Airport
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
goals, aviation fueling studies, and a variety of research and marketing
Airport Manager, Wood County Airport
Authority – Airport Manager of a non-hub primary
airport, Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport, with a staff of 20 plus. Airport
employees provide fueling, building and airfield maintenance, security,
aircraft rescue and fire fighting, snow removal, deicing, hangaring, and
accounting services; oversight of capital improvement and air service
development projects; operation of an industrial park; and management of the
airport real estate.
Some of the specific duties of the
Airport Manager included:
Lease negotiations with all
Airport and Industrial Park Tenants
Financial planning and
management of Airport assets
Oversight of budget process
and capital expenditures
Grant applications,
processing, and management – FAA-AIP, EDA, ARC,
and the Governor’s Industrial Road Access
Grant Program
Direct oversight of
construction projects
Airport Security
Coordinator, Chief of Police, writes and administers the Airport
Security Plan
Writes and administers the
Airport Certification Manual FAR Part 139
Certificated Airport
airport safety program
development of the airport and community
Marketing of
airport and air service
Essential Air
Service coordination with the community
relations – speaking to civic, educational, and other groups and
representing the airport on numerous committees
CEO, Vienna Broadcasting Company –
Vienna Broadcasting filed for an Application for Construction
Permit for FM Channel 261A assigned to Vienna, WV. The application was withdrawn
with prejudice upon receipt of a settlement from a competing applicant.
Corporate Secretary, Director, & Business
Manager, Electrocom, Inc. – Electrocom, Inc. owned and
operated FM Channel 236B, WXIL-FM, in Parkersburg, WV. The process began with a
Petition for Rulemaking to have Channel 236B assigned to Parkersburg with the
MSA population, as opposed to the population of the City of license, used as the
criteria for the assignment of a B (50 kw) channel. Upon successfully completing
that process, an Application for Construction Permit was obtained over
competition, and the radio station built and operated. Her position involved
accounting functions, working with accountants, lawyers, the Board of Directors,
and subsequently staff on all aspects of the project; cutting commercial spots;
and public affairs and news broadcasting. Ms. Strock worked on the project with
her husband, David, who was the Chairman, CEO, and principal stockholder of
Electrocom and General Manager of the station.
West Virginia Airport Managers
Association Past President – This was not a paid
position; however, at that time the State of West Virginia had no Aviation
Department and very limited staff services within the Department of
Transportation devoted to aviation issues. The WVAMA performed some functions
which would have been the purview of such a department. As President, Ms. Strock
organized two statewide air transportation conferences. Keynote speakers for the
first conference were the State’s three Congressmen. Senator John D. Rockefeller
IV was the keynote speaker for the second. Representatives from the FAA,
airlines, airports, state aviation agencies, bankers, and consultants; WV
Secretaries of Transportation; WV political leaders; and gubernatorial
candidates filled the panels.
FAR Part 139 Conferences for airport
employees held at the Fairmont State College Robert C. Byrd National Aerospace
Education Center were also organized and planned by Ms. Strock in conjunction
with the school.
The WVAMA was instrumental in working with
the WV Legislature to create fulltime staff positions for the West Virginia
Aeronautics Commission.
M.B.A., Ohio University 2007
B.S. in Organizational Management, summa cum
laude, Ohio Valley College (now
Ohio Valley University) Thesis “Airport
Certificate of International Consultancy,
Joint Student Consulting Project, Ohio
University College of Business & UNΆ
Centro Universitάrio
FAA Eastern Region/Penn State Annual
Conferences 20+ CEU
Economic Development Institute, University
of Oklahoma, Certificate completed
Thesis: “Developing Building Sites with
Taxiway Access at a Small Commercial
Service Airport”
Professional Development Institute,
University of North Texas
Airport Security Coordinator training, AAAE
Memberships, Affiliations, and Honors
Accredited Airport Executive, American
Association of Airport Executives
Thesis: “Economic Development at a Small
Airport: The Airport Manager’s Role”
Federal Aviation Administration Eastern
Region Certificate of Appreciation
WEALTH Trailblazing Award 2005 (Women of
Excellence and Leadership Timely
Honored) presented by the YWCA and
Altrusa Club of Parkersburg
ΦΚΦ, Inducted 2007
Distinguished Achievement Award,
Alpha-Epsilon Cohort, Ohio Valley College
WV Army National Guard Appreciation Award
Civil Air Patrol Appreciation Award
Chamber of Commerce of the Mid-Ohio Valley
Chairman’s Award
Transportation Committee, Past Chair
West Virginia Airport Managers Association,
Past President
Fairmont State University Robert C. Byrd
National Aerospace Education Center Board of
Southeast Chapter, American Association of
Airport Executives
Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley,
Board of Directors
Past representations for Wood County Airport
Partnership for Progress
Economic Development Gurus
Chamber of Commerce of the
Mid-Ohio Valley, Transportation Committee
Wood County Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Washington County Visitors &
Convention Bureau
Wood County Convention Center
Planning Committee
WWW Planning Commission,
Advisory Board
WV Regional Airport Study,
Technical Advisory Committee
Joint Development Council